Mama duck takes ducklings to visit the same nursing home every year

This mama duck has been taking her ducklings through the same building every year!

Humans are pretty used to reading stories about cute cats and dogs that do incredible things for their owners. Whether that is saving them from a fire or traveling across long distances to see their owners, we have grown to expect these things from cats and dogs.


What about other animals, though? There seems to be a growing realization that other animals are equally incredible in their drive and intelligence.

Every single year, one mama duck brings her crew of ducklings to the exact same spot. A nursing home in Upstate New York has grown accustomed to the cute little creatures visiting each year!

Each year, when the mama duck arrives, she walks through the main hallway of the MM Ewing Continuing Care Center. Even crazier, all the current residents come out of their rooms to cheer the little guys on as they make their journey through the building!

This cute little occurrence has garnered the attention of anyone who enjoys cute things. Their Facebook page posted:

“Every year, mama follows the same path. Facility Services associates – one of whom said, “She has us trained” – have old signage to gently guide her and her babies in case they look like they’re about to get sidetracked. They head to the light from an open door at the end of the corridor.”

The wild thing is that the duck is so comfortable walking inside a building with other people. The entire building gets in on the action of helping out with the journey of the ducks.

With a staunch “No Duckling Left Behind” policy, the entire building makes sure that everyone keeps on the path and doesn’t get sidetracked. They all make signs and make sure that the mama duck and kids follow a straight path that doesn’t let them get stuck in a room.

As we are learning more about animals, it seems that many of them have high intelligence, behaviors, and emotions that surprise us in the best way possible. This mama duck knows she is safe there, and as a result, she keeps going back! One commenter said:

“Thank you for sharing. That is so precious. Mrs. Duck is very smart and wise [for] protecting her young”

With this being more than a chance occurrence, we are able to keep up with the incredible adventure of the mama duck every single year. It is like a new episode of “The Adventures of Ducks” each year! It is almost like something out of a nature documentary.

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