Circus elephant rescued from abuse enjoys resting for very first time in her life

Rescued Circus Performer Caught Enjoying Something She Never Had Before

She and her friend Sita recently boarded a special elephant caravan and traveled over 1,200 miles, day and night, and through heavy rains, to the Elephant Conservation and Care Center run by Wildlife SOS in Mathura, India.

Mia and Sita were escaping decades of exploitation at circuses. When they weren’t performing, Mia and Sita were chained up and could never fully lie down to really rest.

When Mia arrived at the sanctuary, she appeared to collapse with joy at finally breaking free of her chains. Recently, Mia was spotted blissfully napping the day away, a luxury that she hasn’t enjoyed for decades.

But she still popped her head up and flapped her ears for the camera as a videographer approached. She almost seemed to smile for the camera … before plopping back down in the delicious dirt to continue her doze.

Source: Youtube/Wildlife SOS

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